Challenge for teachers (coaches, trainers, etc) change perspective, shift to student position, open up for learning. #thearrowinthebullseye.
24 Nov
RT 'In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.' (Miguel de Cervantes). Ask Magician, #DancingHero, change perspective
24 Nov
RT The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. -Chinese. Starting today? Ask Builder, #DancingHero; he knows how to begin
24 Nov
RT Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. -English proverbs. Ask Magician, #DancingHero: change paradigm!
24 Nov
RT Much talking does not make you a leader ~Ugandan Proverb. #tweets?. #facebook? #socialmedia.? Ask Lover, #DancinHero, (s)he knows.
23 Nov
RT Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. -English. 'what will they experience? Ask Fool & Sage, #DancingHero
23 Nov
If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. -Chinese Proverbs
21 Nov
RT "To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." - Bertrand Russell Ask both Orphan & Warrior, #DancingHero, they know.
21 Nov
RT Yesterday refuses to leave, tomorrow arrives too early leaving barely any today. #keridwen: Maybe Fool, #DancingHero, can help
19 Nov
RT "The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it." - P. B. Medawar How about the longing?
19 Nov
RT Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead. -Chinese Proverb #mediation
19 Nov
RT "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Mahatma Gandhi #mediation #springrevolution #life
19 Nov
RT "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Mahatma Gandhi #changemanagement
19 Nov
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Mahatma Gandhi
18 Nov
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish proverb
18 Nov
RT Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. -W James. So..? Ask Sage, #DancingHero
17 Nov
RT "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss
17 Nov
70 Entrepeneurs brainstorming supported by #thedanceofthehero: 12 good thoughts about solving the #eurocrisis. Some #politicians interested?
17 Nov
Today. 'The Dance of the Hero' for entrepeneurs. Professional'll try to solve the eurocrisis. 12 heroes'll help. #dedansvandeheld…
15 Nov
RT "Go as far as you can see; when you get there you'll be able to see farther." - Thomas Carlyle #JumpingMouse
15 Nov
RT "Don't read a book and be a follower; read a book and be a student." - Jim Rohn. Ask Wanderer and Sage, #DancingHero.
15 Nov
RT . When the odds are one in a million, be the one. Ask Sage & Magician, #DancingHero. They know how to
14 Nov
RT "There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way." - C. Morley. Ask Wanderer, #DancingHero. He knows
13 Nov
He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled. -Aristotle. Ask Ruler, #DancingHero. Aske magician too! #thedanceofthehero
11 Nov
RT "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa #changemanagement. #mediation #education
11 Nov
RT Foolishness first, then wisdom. ~Maasai Proverb. Ask Fool and Sage, #DancingHero; they'll know! #dedansvandeheld
11 Nov
RT Youth is wasted on the young. -English proverbs Ask Ruler, #DancingHero. Aske magician too! #thedanceofthehero
11 Nov
RT "The steeper the mountain the harder the climb the better the view from the finishing line." - Unknown #mediation #changemanagement
11 Nov
RT "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." - Buddha. #thedanceofthehero
11 Nov
RT "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa #chngemanagement. #mediation #education
11 Nov
RT The best way to ride a horse is to go in the same direction as the horse is headed (Chinees) Please, tell the #Hoca, he loves to ride on his donkey backwards.
11 Nov
When planning for life, educate people. Chinese saying. What can we do, when planning for preservaration of the world? #keridwen question
10 Nov
RT When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, educate people. -Chinese ⁰con't
10 Nov
RT Foolishness first, then wisdom. ~Maasai Proverb. Ask Fool and Sage, #DancingHero; they'll know! #dedansvandeheld
10 Nov
RT Get it wrong and move on - some of the worst ideas free up the best ideas. #Innovation #Mediation + #Creativity as well!
10 Nov
#Workshop #Creatieve #Mediators: #houdjevastaanwind, #deroverendeheilige, #DancingHero. #Vaststellingsovereenkomst moet mogelijk nu zijn!
9 Nov
Nice #Quote: 'Sometimes we have to be what we aren't., I guess.'
9 Nov
Nice #Quote: 'You don't know what you don't know. You ca n't even guess, what you don't know, and you are not smart enough to realise it.'
9 Nov
RT If you don't know your audience, why should they know you? ⁰Thats's #TheArrowInTheBullsEye.
9 Nov
RT When a sufficient number of stupid people realize they share the same level of stupidity, it's called ideology. (Sage?)
9 Nov
RT You are the best you the world has. #ReminderToSelf. Wanderer + Lover know, #DancingHero
8 Nov
"All glory comes from daring to begin." - William Shakespeare. Every #DancingHero will tell you
8 Nov
RT "The wisest men follow their own direction." - Euripides. Why then follow 'tweets'?
8 Nov
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it." - Michelangelo
7 Nov
RT @RanjanMalik You are the best you the world has. #ReminderToSelf. Wanderer + Lover know, #DancingHero
7 Nov
RT "All glory comes from daring to begin." - William Shakespeare. Every #DancingHero will tell you
7 Nov
RT One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present. -Golda Meir
6 Nov
RT "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." - Dale Carnegie. Cf #funtheory! #cps #keridwen
5 Nov
RT You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. - Bonnie Prudden. Ever tried to look back a the future? #timeline #keridwen
5 Nov
RT "If you'll go for less than your best, you will be amazed at what you still can accomplish in your lives." - #rephrased by #keridwen
5 Nov
RT I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish proverb.#keridwen #coaching #therapy. What's the next focus?
5 Nov
RT Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. -German proverb. Some see the wolf as friend and symbol of wisdom; they 'd love to meet a big one
5 Nov
RT Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. -Chinese I visited the barber today for een experienced haircut!
5 Nov
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. -Chinese Proverbs
2 Nov
RT Alan Kay: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it." Sounds good! See:
2 Nov
RT 'Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.' (Ralph Marston) #verandermanagement
2 Nov
"A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, they will say: we did it ourselves." (Lao Tzu)
1 Nov
RT The journey is the reward. -Chinese Proverbs. Wanderer, #DancinHero, keeps on traveling
1 Nov
RT Modern lifestyles are configured around helping people chase only the symptoms of happiness. #GoodLife?
1 Nov
RT Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. -German. Why to be afraid of a wolf? Let Orphan dance with Cargiver + Warrior = #DancingHero
1 Nov
RT It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -Aristotle. Says also Sage, #DancingHero
1 Nov
zondag 11 december 2011
dinsdag 22 november 2011
Keridwen Tweets [Eng]: 2011, Okt
#Creative #Mediation. How creative is a Mediator allowed to be? Does creativity bites impartiallity? I'm looking forward to these workshops
31 Oct
RT It is useless to be afraid of death. ~Cameroonian Proverb. Still we are afraid sometimes. What's the sunny side of Orphan, #DancingHero?
31 Oct
RT @Omdenken My life has been one long obstacle with me as the biggest one. (Jack Paar) That's my boy, Demolisher, a #DancingHero
31 Oct
RT "In a time of rapid change, standing still is the most dangerous course of action." - B. Tracy. Stil I like to stand still and reflect...
31 Oct
RT @RanjanMalik #Innovation: 'The method to the magic in the pursuit of novelty.' So Magician tries and change the world. He is #DancingHero
31 Oct
RT A ship is safe in harbor. But that's not what ships are for. (John A. Shedd). A tsunami coming, I would prefer to be at sea.
29 Oct
#Quote "God knows this [world] needs improvement - and can be improved. But I doubt God will find time to do it." Who knows...?
29 Oct
Logic Reasoning? #Quote "Card reading, palmistry, etc. ia quite scentific. Astrology, too! Otherwise why would the stars be where they are?"
29 Oct
RT @AfricanProverbs A big blanket encourages sleeping in the morning. ~African Proverb. Especially in the heart of winter. Sweet dreams....
27 Oct
RT "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo. #lovethis! #art. The treasure in the mirror, #keridwen
27 Oct
RT @Jos_de_Jong Stop Asking Stupid Questions. Is there someone out there who dares to ask the most stupid question... A leader? #DancingHero
27 Oct
RT "In order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first." - A.Svitak. Who has the guts to dream? #inovation. #creativity
27 Oct
RT A mere friend will agree with you, but a real friend will argue. -Russian. Different approach to conflict? Ask Magician, #DancingHero
27 Oct
However long the night, the dawn will break. -African Proverb
21 Oct
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell
17 Oct
Devoted wife? - Composing his/her features into the required emotion - Devoted employee? Ask Wanderer for help, #DancingHero. Or Lover?
17 Oct
Is it possible to treat religion and nationalityas both significant and irrelevant? A case for #DancingHero #changemanagement. #mediation
16 Oct
RT @GreatestQuotes "Chance favours those in motion." - James Austin. Wanderer & Magician smile, #DancingHero
16 Oct
RT The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. (Oprah Winfrey). The big secret is the big secret itself.
15 Oct
RT You can't catch a cub without going into the tiger's den. -Chinese. Who dares? Warrior, Lover..?. Which #DancingHero goes into the den?
15 Oct
Teachers, experts in teaching: What makes it so hard being students (in 'Inspiring Teaching') again? #TheArrowInTheBullsEye
14 Oct
"By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination." - Christopher Columbus
12 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself. -Chinese Proverbs Good for #theArrowintheBullsEye.
9 Oct
RT Work expands so as to fill the time available. -English proverbs. JUST DON'T, life is too short, to beautiful...... #keridwen
8 Oct
RT: Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese Proverbs So did Einstein plagiarize?
7 Oct
RT “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” - Steve Jobs
6 Oct
Must read article about Steve Jobs @wired "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life"… #iSad
6 Oct
RT A fall into a ditch makes you wiser. -Chinese. Ask for the strenght of Orphan, #DancingHero
5 Oct
RT "If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others." - T.Edwards. Sage, #DancingHero: be the Arrow in the Bull's Eye. #keridwen
5 Oct
Tomorrow #keridwen workshop for #mediators: #creative problem solving, changing #perspectives, shifting #paradigms + a #DancingHero (*12!)
4 Oct
RT "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." - P.Drucker. Ask Ruler, #DancingHero
RT A great man can bend & stretch. -Chinese Proverbs. #mediation #changemanagement #DancingHero
4 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Once the game is over, the king & the pawn go back in the same box. -Italian. What & who stay outside the box?
3 Oct
RT "The price of greatness is responsibility." - Churchill Are their more prices? What's the price of responsibility? Which #DancingHero?
3 Oct
RT Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese. Even #Einstein said so! Get out of your box!
3 Oct
De dans van de held = The Dance of the Hero = Der Tanz des Helden. E-book now in German: #DancingHero
2 Oct
"The Dance of the Hero" - book sold out again! Soon new release. Internetgame now: #DancingHero
2 Oct
RT "The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress." - C.F.Kettering #changemanagement #mediation #DancingHero
2 Oct
RT "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." - G.S.Patton. Change of perspective. Could have been Magician, #DancingHero
2 Oct
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
2 Oct
RT The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be. -Chinese . Enjoy the night, live them during daytime.
2 Oct
RT Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it. -N.Peale. Any #DancingHero: change attitude by changing leadmotive
2 Oct
"Use what talents you possess; The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." - Henry Van Dyke
1 Oct
RT You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. -Irish. Magician, #DancingHero, thinks: still, how can I make this possible?
2 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Hope is the dream of a waking man. -Aristotle.
2 Oct
RT I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish. The rabbi as #mediator, the rabbi as #DancingHero?
2 Oct
#mediation #paradox. 'His greatest opponent he had treated with leniency, but who found this difficult to forgive.' Which #DancingHero ?
2 Oct
RT One person alone cannot rule the country ~Ethiopian. Although some would love to! Ask Ruler, #DancingHero
1 Oct
31 Oct
RT It is useless to be afraid of death. ~Cameroonian Proverb. Still we are afraid sometimes. What's the sunny side of Orphan, #DancingHero?
31 Oct
RT @Omdenken My life has been one long obstacle with me as the biggest one. (Jack Paar) That's my boy, Demolisher, a #DancingHero
31 Oct
RT "In a time of rapid change, standing still is the most dangerous course of action." - B. Tracy. Stil I like to stand still and reflect...
31 Oct
RT @RanjanMalik #Innovation: 'The method to the magic in the pursuit of novelty.' So Magician tries and change the world. He is #DancingHero
31 Oct
RT A ship is safe in harbor. But that's not what ships are for. (John A. Shedd). A tsunami coming, I would prefer to be at sea.
29 Oct
#Quote "God knows this [world] needs improvement - and can be improved. But I doubt God will find time to do it." Who knows...?
29 Oct
Logic Reasoning? #Quote "Card reading, palmistry, etc. ia quite scentific. Astrology, too! Otherwise why would the stars be where they are?"
29 Oct
RT @AfricanProverbs A big blanket encourages sleeping in the morning. ~African Proverb. Especially in the heart of winter. Sweet dreams....
27 Oct
RT "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo. #lovethis! #art. The treasure in the mirror, #keridwen
27 Oct
RT @Jos_de_Jong Stop Asking Stupid Questions. Is there someone out there who dares to ask the most stupid question... A leader? #DancingHero
27 Oct
RT "In order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first." - A.Svitak. Who has the guts to dream? #inovation. #creativity
27 Oct
RT A mere friend will agree with you, but a real friend will argue. -Russian. Different approach to conflict? Ask Magician, #DancingHero
27 Oct
However long the night, the dawn will break. -African Proverb
21 Oct
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell
17 Oct
Devoted wife? - Composing his/her features into the required emotion - Devoted employee? Ask Wanderer for help, #DancingHero. Or Lover?
17 Oct
Is it possible to treat religion and nationalityas both significant and irrelevant? A case for #DancingHero #changemanagement. #mediation
16 Oct
RT @GreatestQuotes "Chance favours those in motion." - James Austin. Wanderer & Magician smile, #DancingHero
16 Oct
RT The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. (Oprah Winfrey). The big secret is the big secret itself.
15 Oct
RT You can't catch a cub without going into the tiger's den. -Chinese. Who dares? Warrior, Lover..?. Which #DancingHero goes into the den?
15 Oct
Teachers, experts in teaching: What makes it so hard being students (in 'Inspiring Teaching') again? #TheArrowInTheBullsEye
14 Oct
"By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination." - Christopher Columbus
12 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself. -Chinese Proverbs Good for #theArrowintheBullsEye.
9 Oct
RT Work expands so as to fill the time available. -English proverbs. JUST DON'T, life is too short, to beautiful...... #keridwen
8 Oct
RT: Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese Proverbs So did Einstein plagiarize?
7 Oct
RT “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” - Steve Jobs
6 Oct
Must read article about Steve Jobs @wired "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life"… #iSad
6 Oct
RT A fall into a ditch makes you wiser. -Chinese. Ask for the strenght of Orphan, #DancingHero
5 Oct
RT "If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others." - T.Edwards. Sage, #DancingHero: be the Arrow in the Bull's Eye. #keridwen
5 Oct
Tomorrow #keridwen workshop for #mediators: #creative problem solving, changing #perspectives, shifting #paradigms + a #DancingHero (*12!)
4 Oct
RT "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." - P.Drucker. Ask Ruler, #DancingHero
RT A great man can bend & stretch. -Chinese Proverbs. #mediation #changemanagement #DancingHero
4 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Once the game is over, the king & the pawn go back in the same box. -Italian. What & who stay outside the box?
3 Oct
RT "The price of greatness is responsibility." - Churchill Are their more prices? What's the price of responsibility? Which #DancingHero?
3 Oct
RT Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese. Even #Einstein said so! Get out of your box!
3 Oct
De dans van de held = The Dance of the Hero = Der Tanz des Helden. E-book now in German: #DancingHero
2 Oct
"The Dance of the Hero" - book sold out again! Soon new release. Internetgame now: #DancingHero
2 Oct
RT "The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress." - C.F.Kettering #changemanagement #mediation #DancingHero
2 Oct
RT "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." - G.S.Patton. Change of perspective. Could have been Magician, #DancingHero
2 Oct
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
2 Oct
RT The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be. -Chinese . Enjoy the night, live them during daytime.
2 Oct
RT Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it. -N.Peale. Any #DancingHero: change attitude by changing leadmotive
2 Oct
"Use what talents you possess; The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." - Henry Van Dyke
1 Oct
RT You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. -Irish. Magician, #DancingHero, thinks: still, how can I make this possible?
2 Oct
RT @AncientProverbs Hope is the dream of a waking man. -Aristotle.
2 Oct
RT I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish. The rabbi as #mediator, the rabbi as #DancingHero?
2 Oct
#mediation #paradox. 'His greatest opponent he had treated with leniency, but who found this difficult to forgive.' Which #DancingHero ?
2 Oct
RT One person alone cannot rule the country ~Ethiopian. Although some would love to! Ask Ruler, #DancingHero
1 Oct
vrijdag 7 oktober 2011
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, Sept.
RT @AncientProverbs Crows everywhere are equally black. -Chinese. Even in the Kimberley, although some sound depressed.
29 Sep
RT A loose tooth will not rest until it's pulled out. ~African. A happilly walk to the dentist.
29 Sep
RT @ All paid jobs absorb & degrade the mind. -Aristotle. Is the best way of getting lost on the pathless way of #business?
29 Sep
RT "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." - T.E. #changemanagement #DancingHero #mediation
29 Sep
RT You can't catch a cub without going into the tiger's den. -Chinese. Which #DanicngHero is best for catching this tiger cub?
29 Sep
RT If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed. -Chinese. #mediation #changemanagement #DancingHero
29 Sep
RT Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? Ask Wanderer, #DancingHero
28 Sep
RT "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - R.W.E.. 'Please get lost on the pathless way'
28 Sep
RT @RanjanMalik Awareness=Revenues. Differentiators=Margins. Authenticity=Loyalty. ALL measurable. #netwroking again!
28 Sep
RT "Don't go into business to get rich. Do it to enrich people. It will come back to you." - S.Leonard. Mooi motto voor workshop #netwerken
28 Sep
Stop worrying about the world's collapse today. It's tomorrow in Australia allready:
27 Sep
The grass must bend when the wind blows across it, said Confucius. Yes, but who is the grass, who the wind? Think! Otherwise it's too easy!
26 Sep
RT It pays to know the enemy - not least because at sometime you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend. -M.Thatcher or Talmud?
26 Sep
RT The grass must bend when the wind blows across it. -Confucius. Yes, but who is the grass, who the wind? Think! Otherwise it's too easy!
25 Sep
RT "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - RF. Kennedy. Nowadays who has the guts? Which #DancingHero to ask?
25 Sep
RT "As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death." - Leonardo da Vinci Ask Sage, #DancingHero
22 Sep
RT @Veranderforum 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' (Mohandas Gandhi) Ask Magician, #DancingHero
22 Sep
Real learning begins the moment teachers & students stop being teachers & students.
22 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. -Aristotle #keridwen. Ask Sage, #DancingHero
21 Sep
It is better to be poor when one is young, rather than becoming poor at old age. ~Kenyan Proverb
21 Sep
RT @greatestquotes: "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi #keridwen Ask Magician, #DancingHero
21 Sep
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
21 Sep
#thedanceofthehero Every Hero his/her own image/attribute - to empower each leadmotif. Give y'r Hero a hand; #dtv
19 Sep
RT The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is doing it. (Chinees gezegde). Demolisher, #DancingHero
19 Sep
RT "Rather than wishing for change, you first must be prepared to change." - Catherine Pulsifer. Says also 'Sage', #DancingHero
19 Sep
RT The one who has been attacked by a buffalo, is afraid when he sees a black cow. ~Kenyan. Orphan, #DancingHero: both afraid and resilient
18 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs Love is like dew that falls on both nettles & lilies. -Swedish Proverb. Right, says Lover, #DancingHero. #keridwen
17 Sep
RT @GreatestQuotes "Nurture your mind with great thoughts. - Benjamin Disraeli Open your mind, let #TheGordianEgg in. #Keridwen
17 Sep
RT @GreatestQuotes "Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll. A good for CPS
17 Sep
RT @DavidRoads What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything. -Vincent Van Gogh.
17 Sep
Wanderer, Magician and/or Warrior = Dancing Heroes: We do not like to repeat successes; we like to go on to other things. Walt Disney.
16 Sep
RT @greatestquotes: "I do not like to repeat successes; I like to go on to other things." - Walt Disney. Wanderer/Magician = Dancing Hero!
16 Sep
RT @africanproverbs: Lovers do not hide their nakedness. ~Congolese Proverb. Lover is a Dancing Hero
15 Sep
RT @ancientproverbs: Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. -Chinese Proverbs
15 Sep
RT @ancientproverbs: The tongue can paint what the eye can't see. -Chinese Proverbs The first step to storytelling #TheArrowInTheBullsEye
15 Sep
Quote Radio1: 'never waste a good crisis'
15 Sep
Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. -Chinese Proverbs
15 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs With money in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, & you sing well too. -Jewish Proverb. What Hero?
13 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. -Chinese Proverbs #mediation
13 Sep
Did some ask Ghandi how he felt about western civilization? Was his answer: 'good idea'? I like to consider this to be a paradox. #keridwen
12 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs Let him that would move the world first move himself. -Socrates #mediation. #changemanagement. #keridwen
12 Sep
RT @greatestquotes: "When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there." -...
12 Sep
RT A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. -English. Teachers, Trainers, Managers, Leaders, Politicians, etc.: Be aware of this! #keridwen
12 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs Of all the strategems, to know when to quit is the best. -Chinese. At least it's a good one: know your limitations!
10 Sep
RT "Time sets the stage; fate writes the script; but only we may choose our character." - L.T.Ryder. Our character will change the script?
9 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs It's easy to halve the potato where there's love. -Irish Proverb. Lover = a hero in #keridwen's 'The Dance of the Hero'.
7 Sep
RT. There is little success where there is little laughter. -Andrew Carnegie. Have fun & success on the #nnf: Gordian Egg. #keridwen
7 Sep
"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic." - Peter Drucker
6 Sep
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. -Socrates
6 Sep
God gave burdens, also shoulders. -Yiddish proverb
5 Sep
RT @RanjanMalik Happy teachers are infectious. So are unhappy teachers. Happy teachers day, happy teachers! The Arrow in the Bull's Eye!
5 Sep
RT @ "The best way to teach people is by telling a story." - K.Blanchard. Totaly agree, says #Keridwen, storytelling consultant/trainer.
4 Sep
RT @GreatestQuotes "If you're not sure where you are going, you're liable to end up someplace else." - Robert F. (compare my last 2 tweets!)
4 Sep
RT @AncientProverbs If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed. -Chinese
4 Sep
RT "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein. Ask Sage, #DancingHero
3 Sep
A man grows most tired while standing still. -Chinese Proverbs
3 Sep
"You have brains in your head. Your feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." - Dr. Seuss
3 Sep
For #problemsolving looking at facts as mechanical? Or facts as roots or branches. Going everywhere. No pattern. Still working together. CPS
1 Sep
zaterdag 10 september 2011
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, Aug
RT @AfricanProverbs Home is not far away when you are alive. ~Masai. Wandering Down Under Outback and still in touch with home. #Keridwen
31 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
RT @africanproverbs: Home is not far away when you are alive. ~Masai Proverb. On the 'Jatbula Trail' (5 days), this was what we considered.
31 Aug
(cont.).. on an imaginative flexibility that'll let you project alternative and often contradictory outcomes for any situation. #keridwen
31 Aug
Why #Keridwen's "The Dance of the Hero" & "The Gordian Egg"? To achieve this: Your business genius shall depend on an imaginative... (to...
31 Aug
#Keridwen Down Under and back (cont.): Often the wanderer will find what he was not looking for, ...yet; that's the real treat of...
31 Aug
#Keridwen Down Under and back: Not all who wander are lost, not all who are lost despair. Sometimes the wanderer ... (to be cont'd)
31 Aug
RT @GreatestQuotes "To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." - Confucius. Stories can be rewritten. #keridwen
30 Aug
Debating is as overrated a skill as dialoguing is underrated. Difference is stark everywhere, from public to personal discourses.
29 Aug
RT @AncientProverbs The best time to investis when there is blood in the streets. -chinese. Read 'the conspirators' and comment on this....
30 Aug
RT Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese or Einstein? Both 'll know!
30 Aug
"When conflict happens. It's not an obstacle, its an opportunity."
28 Aug
KERIDWEN BACK in town after being DownUnder: Great wanderings through outback, relaxing + energy boosts, idea updates and 6 new stories ....
28 Aug
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Sage: “I know, I understand!” Fool: “I live 100% in here-and-now!”
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Ruler: "Everything is taken care of!” Magician: “I can use anything!”
11 Aug
Some serendipity?: success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction. So go for the nearlings, wronglings, nothings
31 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
RT @africanproverbs: Home is not far away when you are alive. ~Masai Proverb. On the 'Jatbula Trail' (5 days), this was what we considered.
31 Aug
(cont.).. on an imaginative flexibility that'll let you project alternative and often contradictory outcomes for any situation. #keridwen
31 Aug
Why #Keridwen's "The Dance of the Hero" & "The Gordian Egg"? To achieve this: Your business genius shall depend on an imaginative... (to...
31 Aug
#Keridwen Down Under and back (cont.): Often the wanderer will find what he was not looking for, ...yet; that's the real treat of...
31 Aug
#Keridwen Down Under and back: Not all who wander are lost, not all who are lost despair. Sometimes the wanderer ... (to be cont'd)
31 Aug
RT @GreatestQuotes "To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." - Confucius. Stories can be rewritten. #keridwen
30 Aug
Debating is as overrated a skill as dialoguing is underrated. Difference is stark everywhere, from public to personal discourses.
29 Aug
RT @AncientProverbs The best time to investis when there is blood in the streets. -chinese. Read 'the conspirators' and comment on this....
30 Aug
RT Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way & expecting a different outcome. -Chinese or Einstein? Both 'll know!
30 Aug
"When conflict happens. It's not an obstacle, its an opportunity."
28 Aug
KERIDWEN BACK in town after being DownUnder: Great wanderings through outback, relaxing + energy boosts, idea updates and 6 new stories ....
28 Aug
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Sage: “I know, I understand!” Fool: “I live 100% in here-and-now!”
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Ruler: "Everything is taken care of!” Magician: “I can use anything!”
11 Aug
Some serendipity?: success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction. So go for the nearlings, wronglings, nothings
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, July
Keridwen Keridwen
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Builder: I’ll go!” Demolisher: “First "'ll clean up!”
28 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Warrior: “I achieve everything I want!” Caregiver: “I’ll take care!”
21 Jul
"You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb." (Carnegie) How many #changemanagers do know this? Leadership 2.9?
20 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Wanderer: “I’m going my own way!” Lover: “I am part of you!”
14 Jul
No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.(Aristotle) I am so happy to know some mad ones = geniuses?
13 Jul
Tweet paradox: "Longing to be in the moment, while loosing the moment's essence by twittering". Let's go for the #GordianEgg
11 Jul
Travels develop your mind; that is if you have one, of course." G.K. Chesterton
8 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Orphan: "The world is dangerous!" Innocent: “The world is safe!"
7 Jul
For a man to conquer himself is the first & noblest of all victories. (Plato). How many Heroes know that? Maybe a combination of 12 Heroes?
6 Jul
" When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money; then take half the clothes and twice the money!" Mzuri Sana
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Builder: I’ll go!” Demolisher: “First "'ll clean up!”
28 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Warrior: “I achieve everything I want!” Caregiver: “I’ll take care!”
21 Jul
"You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb." (Carnegie) How many #changemanagers do know this? Leadership 2.9?
20 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Wanderer: “I’m going my own way!” Lover: “I am part of you!”
14 Jul
No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.(Aristotle) I am so happy to know some mad ones = geniuses?
13 Jul
Tweet paradox: "Longing to be in the moment, while loosing the moment's essence by twittering". Let's go for the #GordianEgg
11 Jul
Travels develop your mind; that is if you have one, of course." G.K. Chesterton
8 Jul
Get out-of-your box. Ask a Dancing Hero for Help. Orphan: "The world is dangerous!" Innocent: “The world is safe!"
7 Jul
For a man to conquer himself is the first & noblest of all victories. (Plato). How many Heroes know that? Maybe a combination of 12 Heroes?
6 Jul
" When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money; then take half the clothes and twice the money!" Mzuri Sana
woensdag 31 augustus 2011
zaterdag 18 juni 2011
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, June
RT @AncientProverbs No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. -Aristotle happy to know some mad ones.
29 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs For a man to conquer himself is the first & noblest of all victories. Plato. Does my Warrior (a Dancing Hero) know this?
29 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb." A.Carnegie. How many #changemanagers do know this?
29 Jun
Tweet paradox: longing to be in the moment, while loosing the moment's essence by twittering. How sad! let's be Fool: live now!
28 Jun
RT Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek. -English. #keridwen; soms vind je wel wat je iet zoekt = srendipiteit. Dedansvandeheld
27 Jun
RT Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek. -English Proverb. #keridwen: sometimes you do find what you don't seek = serendipity.
27 Jun
RT "If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all." - Michelangelo. What is being a genius?
26 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it." - Albert Einstein. #keridwen: what does a creative one see?
26 Jun
RT Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself. -Chinese. it's how they open the doors for u: in 'how' is the teaching!
25 Jun
RT Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It is about learning to dance in the rain. # Make it a Dancing Hero performance!
25 Jun
RT @davidroads: You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there. -Yogi Berra
23 Jun
RT @RanjanMalik Most can see good in the good, some are able to see good in the bad too. Only some. Very very few. Almost none. #Innovation
23 Jun
Man is not capable of knowing the absolute truth and, therefore, not competent to punish - MK Gandhi
23 Jun
If the sun claims that it has power over the moon, let it shine in the night. ~Nigerian Proverb #fb
23 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs Quality is not an act, it is a habit. -Aristotle #qualitymanagement. #kmo. Quality-people: al least, think about this!
21 Jun
Wasn't it Eisnstein who said that you can't solve a problem in the same paradigm it happened? So go with The Gordian Egg (+Dancing Heroes)
21 Jun
RT: 'I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.' (G.C.L) (c'td)
21 Jun
RT: Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot. -Italian Proverb Which spoon dares to go? Ask 'Warrior' for help; a Dancing Hero
21 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy." - Milton Erickson. The Gordian Egg!
20 Jun
Niets is beter zoeken als je wilt vinden. Als je zoekt vind je wel wat, al is dan iet altijd precies wat je wilde vinden. Logica #hobbit
19 Jun
"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action." - James Levin
19 Jun
RT "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." - Richard Bach. Why 'master'. Why not 'child'?
19 Jun
Every camel was once upon a time two years old. ~Somali Proverb 19 Jun
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo. 'Magician', also a Dancing Hero 19 Jun
"Love loves to love love." - James Joyce #keridwen: 'Lover' is also a Dancing Hero. Visit 18 Jun
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -Marianne Williamson 18 Jun
You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher. -Chinese Proverbs. Still, what can you do to help them grow? 18 Jun
See all Keridwen's tweets?For getting inspired, out of your comfort box. For thinking twice, a smile and a quote.
18 Jun
Never give up dreaming! Dreaming gets you beyond what is imagined to be possible. Ask your own 12 Dancing Heroes (
18 Jun
The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Possible first step:
18 Jun
RT: No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. -Aristotle.Can’t help thinking of the late Louis de Boer (friend & mentor).
17 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh. -Chinese. Says also 'Sage', a Danig Hero,
17 Jun
'If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.'(P. Crosby)
17 Jun
RT "To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted." - G Kneller Ask 'Innocent', a Dancing Hero!
17 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "It's only a thought and a thought can be changed." - Louise Hay. Every story can be changed; 12 Dancing Heroes will help
17 Jun
RT 'Once in a while you have to take a break and visit yourself.' (Audrey Giorgi) Which of your Dancing Heroes do U wanna meet? #keridwen
17 Jun
You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. -Erica Jong
16 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Don't let schooling interfere with your education." - Mark Twain The 'Fool' = a Dancing Hero,
15 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. -Chinese. #keridwen: Sage = Dancing Hero Visit
15 Jun
RT The greatest glory in living, lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -N Mandela #keridwen: 'Orphan' = Dancing Hero!
14 Jun
T @AncientProverbs To everyone is given the key to heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell. #keriden: Also 'Fool' is a Dancing Hero!
14 Jun
Twelve Dancing Heroes to get out of your box. Visit or #keridwen or www.keridwe .com
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs Keep a green tree in your heart & perhaps a singing bird will come. -Chinese #keridwen. Also 'Lover' is a Dancing Hero.
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish proverb #keridwen: 'also Builder' is a Dancing Hero
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs I hear & I forget, I see & I remember. I do & I understand. -Chinese. I know my 12 heroes:
14 Jun
Never give up dreaming! Dreaming gets you beyond what is imagined to be possible. Ask your own 12 Dancing Heroes (
13 Jun
Stop dreaming of having a great and happy life. Wake up and go for it! Your 12 heroes from will assist you.
13 Jun
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." - J.K. Rowling
13 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs A smile will gain you ten more years of life. -Chinese Proverb.
12 Jun
The elephant does not get tired of his tusks. ~Masai Proverb #fb
12 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain." - Mark Twainn #keridwen: getting lost on the pathless way?
11 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn#keridwen: So get out of your box, enjoy!
11 Jun
RT @AfricanProverbs Love is in blood not in talking. ~African Proverb #fb #keridwen Lover = Dancing Hero in, too
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it."-Thomas A. Edison #keridwen Builder: Dancing Hero, too
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Shut your eyes and see." - James Joyce #keridwen Magician: a Dancing Hero in
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien. #keridwen Wanderer: a Dancing Hero in
10 Jun
by Keridwen
"If you think education is expensive try ignorance." - Derek Bok
9 Jun
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell
9 Jun
Choose a guide: Who became winners by thinking "Beyond the conventional" or Losers(So that they can swerve you from the problems they faced)
9 Jun
RT @AfricanProverbs Two waterfalls do not hear each other. ~Kikuyu Proverb #fb I tried to listen to them both. #keridwen
8 Jun
They think that intelligence is about detecting patterns; in a complex world, intelligence is avoiding false patterns #Procrustes
8 Jun
A mathematician starts with a problem and creates a solution; a consultant starts by offering a “solution” and creates a problem #Procrustes
8 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mohandas Gandhi #changemanagement #keridwen
8 Jun
"A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape." - Mark Twain
8 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd." - Miguel de Cervantes. Jump and the net will appear...
8 Jun
RT @africanproverb: Rice is all one but they are many ways of cooking it - Swahili
7 Jun
RT @africanproverbs: As porridge benefits those who heat and eat it, so does a child benefit those that rear it. ~Amharic Proverb #fb
7 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw. Life = Life. Lechaim!
5 Jun
"Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought." - Henry David Thoreau
4 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn.
3 Jun
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
2 Jun
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
1 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou. #keridwen: I lov'it!
1 Jun
Today Facilitated the Workshop Creative Lecturifg: teach the teachers. Based on #keridwen 's The Arrow in the Bull's Eye.
1 Jun
29 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs For a man to conquer himself is the first & noblest of all victories. Plato. Does my Warrior (a Dancing Hero) know this?
29 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb." A.Carnegie. How many #changemanagers do know this?
29 Jun
Tweet paradox: longing to be in the moment, while loosing the moment's essence by twittering. How sad! let's be Fool: live now!
28 Jun
RT Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek. -English. #keridwen; soms vind je wel wat je iet zoekt = srendipiteit. Dedansvandeheld
27 Jun
RT Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek. -English Proverb. #keridwen: sometimes you do find what you don't seek = serendipity.
27 Jun
RT "If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all." - Michelangelo. What is being a genius?
26 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it." - Albert Einstein. #keridwen: what does a creative one see?
26 Jun
RT Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself. -Chinese. it's how they open the doors for u: in 'how' is the teaching!
25 Jun
RT Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It is about learning to dance in the rain. # Make it a Dancing Hero performance!
25 Jun
RT @davidroads: You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there. -Yogi Berra
23 Jun
RT @RanjanMalik Most can see good in the good, some are able to see good in the bad too. Only some. Very very few. Almost none. #Innovation
23 Jun
Man is not capable of knowing the absolute truth and, therefore, not competent to punish - MK Gandhi
23 Jun
If the sun claims that it has power over the moon, let it shine in the night. ~Nigerian Proverb #fb
23 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs Quality is not an act, it is a habit. -Aristotle #qualitymanagement. #kmo. Quality-people: al least, think about this!
21 Jun
Wasn't it Eisnstein who said that you can't solve a problem in the same paradigm it happened? So go with The Gordian Egg (+Dancing Heroes)
21 Jun
RT: 'I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.' (G.C.L) (c'td)
21 Jun
RT: Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot. -Italian Proverb Which spoon dares to go? Ask 'Warrior' for help; a Dancing Hero
21 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy." - Milton Erickson. The Gordian Egg!
20 Jun
Niets is beter zoeken als je wilt vinden. Als je zoekt vind je wel wat, al is dan iet altijd precies wat je wilde vinden. Logica #hobbit
19 Jun
"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action." - James Levin
19 Jun
RT "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." - Richard Bach. Why 'master'. Why not 'child'?
19 Jun
Every camel was once upon a time two years old. ~Somali Proverb 19 Jun
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo. 'Magician', also a Dancing Hero 19 Jun
"Love loves to love love." - James Joyce #keridwen: 'Lover' is also a Dancing Hero. Visit 18 Jun
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -Marianne Williamson 18 Jun
You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher. -Chinese Proverbs. Still, what can you do to help them grow? 18 Jun
See all Keridwen's tweets?For getting inspired, out of your comfort box. For thinking twice, a smile and a quote.
18 Jun
Never give up dreaming! Dreaming gets you beyond what is imagined to be possible. Ask your own 12 Dancing Heroes (
18 Jun
The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Possible first step:
18 Jun
RT: No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. -Aristotle.Can’t help thinking of the late Louis de Boer (friend & mentor).
17 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh. -Chinese. Says also 'Sage', a Danig Hero,
17 Jun
'If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.'(P. Crosby)
17 Jun
RT "To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted." - G Kneller Ask 'Innocent', a Dancing Hero!
17 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "It's only a thought and a thought can be changed." - Louise Hay. Every story can be changed; 12 Dancing Heroes will help
17 Jun
RT 'Once in a while you have to take a break and visit yourself.' (Audrey Giorgi) Which of your Dancing Heroes do U wanna meet? #keridwen
17 Jun
You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. -Erica Jong
16 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Don't let schooling interfere with your education." - Mark Twain The 'Fool' = a Dancing Hero,
15 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. -Chinese. #keridwen: Sage = Dancing Hero Visit
15 Jun
RT The greatest glory in living, lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -N Mandela #keridwen: 'Orphan' = Dancing Hero!
14 Jun
T @AncientProverbs To everyone is given the key to heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell. #keriden: Also 'Fool' is a Dancing Hero!
14 Jun
Twelve Dancing Heroes to get out of your box. Visit or #keridwen or www.keridwe .com
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs Keep a green tree in your heart & perhaps a singing bird will come. -Chinese #keridwen. Also 'Lover' is a Dancing Hero.
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish proverb #keridwen: 'also Builder' is a Dancing Hero
14 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs I hear & I forget, I see & I remember. I do & I understand. -Chinese. I know my 12 heroes:
14 Jun
Never give up dreaming! Dreaming gets you beyond what is imagined to be possible. Ask your own 12 Dancing Heroes (
13 Jun
Stop dreaming of having a great and happy life. Wake up and go for it! Your 12 heroes from will assist you.
13 Jun
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." - J.K. Rowling
13 Jun
RT @AncientProverbs A smile will gain you ten more years of life. -Chinese Proverb.
12 Jun
The elephant does not get tired of his tusks. ~Masai Proverb #fb
12 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain." - Mark Twainn #keridwen: getting lost on the pathless way?
11 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn#keridwen: So get out of your box, enjoy!
11 Jun
RT @AfricanProverbs Love is in blood not in talking. ~African Proverb #fb #keridwen Lover = Dancing Hero in, too
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it."-Thomas A. Edison #keridwen Builder: Dancing Hero, too
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Shut your eyes and see." - James Joyce #keridwen Magician: a Dancing Hero in
10 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien. #keridwen Wanderer: a Dancing Hero in
10 Jun
by Keridwen
"If you think education is expensive try ignorance." - Derek Bok
9 Jun
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell
9 Jun
Choose a guide: Who became winners by thinking "Beyond the conventional" or Losers(So that they can swerve you from the problems they faced)
9 Jun
RT @AfricanProverbs Two waterfalls do not hear each other. ~Kikuyu Proverb #fb I tried to listen to them both. #keridwen
8 Jun
They think that intelligence is about detecting patterns; in a complex world, intelligence is avoiding false patterns #Procrustes
8 Jun
A mathematician starts with a problem and creates a solution; a consultant starts by offering a “solution” and creates a problem #Procrustes
8 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mohandas Gandhi #changemanagement #keridwen
8 Jun
"A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape." - Mark Twain
8 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd." - Miguel de Cervantes. Jump and the net will appear...
8 Jun
RT @africanproverb: Rice is all one but they are many ways of cooking it - Swahili
7 Jun
RT @africanproverbs: As porridge benefits those who heat and eat it, so does a child benefit those that rear it. ~Amharic Proverb #fb
7 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw. Life = Life. Lechaim!
5 Jun
"Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought." - Henry David Thoreau
4 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn.
3 Jun
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
2 Jun
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
1 Jun
RT @GreatestQuotes "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou. #keridwen: I lov'it!
1 Jun
Today Facilitated the Workshop Creative Lecturifg: teach the teachers. Based on #keridwen 's The Arrow in the Bull's Eye.
1 Jun
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, May
Next week: students #changemanagent gonna investigate company cultures using Keridwen's directing triangle: fun, hard work and surprises!
13 May
'Company cultures are like country cultures. Never try to change one. Try, instead, to work with what you've got. ' (Peter Drucker)
13 May
RT @GreatestQuotes "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas." - Linus Pauling. - The highway to Creative Problem Solving!
13 May
"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Christopher Columbus
11 May
13 May
'Company cultures are like country cultures. Never try to change one. Try, instead, to work with what you've got. ' (Peter Drucker)
13 May
RT @GreatestQuotes "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas." - Linus Pauling. - The highway to Creative Problem Solving!
13 May
"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Christopher Columbus
11 May
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, April
Actor, storyteller, teacher, scientist, entrepeneur: all improving their creative presentation abilities. Due to The dance of the Hero
2 Apr
The Arrow in the Bull's Eye: directing teachers in assisting creatively students in learning. The lecture as perfomance. Love to do this!
1 Apr
2 Apr
The Arrow in the Bull's Eye: directing teachers in assisting creatively students in learning. The lecture as perfomance. Love to do this!
1 Apr
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, March
When the drummers change their beats the dancers must also change their steps. ~African Proverb #fb
2 Mar
Pytha to Aristotle: 'You know only a little, but that you also know'. Aristotle would be a good member of the tribe of the greedy givers.
2 Mar
When the drummers stop, there is still environmental music to dance on. New #7di proverb?
3 Mar
If you feel yourself like a flee riding a dog's back, eventually you'll may end up between it's teeth. Can you change the feeling?
8 Mar
Educational theatre: teacher and students are actors as well as audience; the lecture is the play. So much to achieve by directing.
5 Mar
If someone wants to make every decision for you, (s)he might as well live both your lifes for you. So tell me, what is your story, again?
11 Mar
What's your story? If someone else tells your story and makes every decision for you, what's the point of you being alive? (to be cont'd...)
11 Mar
An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep. ~Ghanaian Proverb #fb
19 Mar
One heroic #Jumpingmouse was enough to help 12 High Potentials onto their next adventurous step in life; that' s "The Dance of the Hero".
18 Mar
If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance. ~African Proverb #fb
20 Mar
University Teachers improve their lectures by applying Story telling + Theatre techniques & Applied Didactics: The Arrow in the Bull's Eye
19 Mar
RT @AfricanProverbs If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance.
20 Mar
At the top end of the stairs just a small sign: THIS IS THE END OF THE STAIRS. PLEASE DON'T CLIMB ANY FURTHER. I would love it! #murakami ?
21 Mar
RT @GreatestQuotes: "He who would travel happily must travel light." - de Saint-Exupery . (My heart is already roaming far away... Sigh...)
26 Mar
RT @GreatestQuotes: "Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is, therefore, well described as a series of glorious defeats." #Gandhii
26 Mar
Changemanagement: how can you help people change? Student answer: fobid or punish old behaviour! Ever came across the #funtheory? Liked it?
29 Mar
"The best way to teach people is by telling a story." - Kenneth Blanchard
29 Mar
RT thanks @0nno: For those who are procrastinating without knowing what it is: it is wathcing this video… via youtube #in
28 Mar
"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo
28 Mar
"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - St. Francis of Assisi
31 Mar
2 Mar
Pytha to Aristotle: 'You know only a little, but that you also know'. Aristotle would be a good member of the tribe of the greedy givers.
2 Mar
When the drummers stop, there is still environmental music to dance on. New #7di proverb?
3 Mar
If you feel yourself like a flee riding a dog's back, eventually you'll may end up between it's teeth. Can you change the feeling?
8 Mar
Educational theatre: teacher and students are actors as well as audience; the lecture is the play. So much to achieve by directing.
5 Mar
If someone wants to make every decision for you, (s)he might as well live both your lifes for you. So tell me, what is your story, again?
11 Mar
What's your story? If someone else tells your story and makes every decision for you, what's the point of you being alive? (to be cont'd...)
11 Mar
An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep. ~Ghanaian Proverb #fb
19 Mar
One heroic #Jumpingmouse was enough to help 12 High Potentials onto their next adventurous step in life; that' s "The Dance of the Hero".
18 Mar
If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance. ~African Proverb #fb
20 Mar
University Teachers improve their lectures by applying Story telling + Theatre techniques & Applied Didactics: The Arrow in the Bull's Eye
19 Mar
RT @AfricanProverbs If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance.
20 Mar
At the top end of the stairs just a small sign: THIS IS THE END OF THE STAIRS. PLEASE DON'T CLIMB ANY FURTHER. I would love it! #murakami ?
21 Mar
RT @GreatestQuotes: "He who would travel happily must travel light." - de Saint-Exupery . (My heart is already roaming far away... Sigh...)
26 Mar
RT @GreatestQuotes: "Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is, therefore, well described as a series of glorious defeats." #Gandhii
26 Mar
Changemanagement: how can you help people change? Student answer: fobid or punish old behaviour! Ever came across the #funtheory? Liked it?
29 Mar
"The best way to teach people is by telling a story." - Kenneth Blanchard
29 Mar
RT thanks @0nno: For those who are procrastinating without knowing what it is: it is wathcing this video… via youtube #in
28 Mar
"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo
28 Mar
"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - St. Francis of Assisi
31 Mar
Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, Jan + Febr
"Truly it it is said, there are no heroes who do not learn the emptiness of heroism before they die." S.Rushdie, The Enchantress of Florence
15 Jan
How unilateral heroism can be. Perhaps an adequate answer is: "Who is a hero? He is a hero who changes his enemy into a friend." Talmud.
15 Jan
Is it also a contemporary political wisdom to seek human means as if devine means do not exist? Both and visa versa? (enlightment philos.)
22 Jan
Conflict handling (1643): if you want to avoid war, never make treaties of peace (U. Eco). Why is that?
20 Jan
True? Dissimulation means drawing a veil composed of honest shadows, wich does not constitute falshood but allows truth some respite. False?
28 Jan
Out of the box thinking: ... (cont'd) ... to become satisfied satisfied with unexpected hircocervi of action. Do you agree with this?
28 Jan
Out of the box thinking: Deriving improbable and clever events from passages of probable but insipid things, ... (te be cont'd)
28 Jan
If you know how to concieve metaphors you see the world immensely more various then the uneducated: the dance of the hero. It can be learned
26 Jan
Changemanagers of the world, wake up! Look at Egypt, observe, try to understand. Again life is stronger and more complex then expected?
2 Feb
Maybe Tweets can create the differnt (Go for it!), they can't stop bullets, nor produce them. I'll love a Tweeted worldwide flahmob.
2 feb
Lenny Bruce: taken indivudally, each spectator may be an idiot, but when the audience reacts 'en masse' it's a genius. (theatre wisdom)
7 Feb
RT: The person not able to bear drawbacks, will never meet success. Jiddish saing. #in
10 Feb
Maybe #Storytelling is a hype; creating and telling stories is a great way of facilitating mindshifts in organizations. Ask those 12 heroes!
15 Feb Isn't it the fool, who always wants to play? Although the rules tells him the dragon is a killing beast, the fool...
13 Feb
Homo ludens = rules are made for the guidance of the wise and for the obedience of the fool? Who likes to play, inventing his own rules?
13 Feb
Keridwen's Speakershow "Seven Ways to Enlarge your Paradigm': in here and out there always more possibilities to àny assignment. Just ask!
19 Feb
Keridwen's Speakershow "Seven Ways to Enlarge your Paradigm': in here and out there and always more possibilities to any assignment.
19 Feb
Dark side of political success (need for war talk, emotional language, short phrases, framing/naming/repeating): we lost the content! Help!
27 Feb
15 Jan
How unilateral heroism can be. Perhaps an adequate answer is: "Who is a hero? He is a hero who changes his enemy into a friend." Talmud.
15 Jan
Is it also a contemporary political wisdom to seek human means as if devine means do not exist? Both and visa versa? (enlightment philos.)
22 Jan
Conflict handling (1643): if you want to avoid war, never make treaties of peace (U. Eco). Why is that?
20 Jan
True? Dissimulation means drawing a veil composed of honest shadows, wich does not constitute falshood but allows truth some respite. False?
28 Jan
Out of the box thinking: ... (cont'd) ... to become satisfied satisfied with unexpected hircocervi of action. Do you agree with this?
28 Jan
Out of the box thinking: Deriving improbable and clever events from passages of probable but insipid things, ... (te be cont'd)
28 Jan
If you know how to concieve metaphors you see the world immensely more various then the uneducated: the dance of the hero. It can be learned
26 Jan
Changemanagers of the world, wake up! Look at Egypt, observe, try to understand. Again life is stronger and more complex then expected?
2 Feb
Maybe Tweets can create the differnt (Go for it!), they can't stop bullets, nor produce them. I'll love a Tweeted worldwide flahmob.
2 feb
Lenny Bruce: taken indivudally, each spectator may be an idiot, but when the audience reacts 'en masse' it's a genius. (theatre wisdom)
7 Feb
RT: The person not able to bear drawbacks, will never meet success. Jiddish saing. #in
10 Feb
Maybe #Storytelling is a hype; creating and telling stories is a great way of facilitating mindshifts in organizations. Ask those 12 heroes!
15 Feb Isn't it the fool, who always wants to play? Although the rules tells him the dragon is a killing beast, the fool...
13 Feb
Homo ludens = rules are made for the guidance of the wise and for the obedience of the fool? Who likes to play, inventing his own rules?
13 Feb
Keridwen's Speakershow "Seven Ways to Enlarge your Paradigm': in here and out there always more possibilities to àny assignment. Just ask!
19 Feb
Keridwen's Speakershow "Seven Ways to Enlarge your Paradigm': in here and out there and always more possibilities to any assignment.
19 Feb
Dark side of political success (need for war talk, emotional language, short phrases, framing/naming/repeating): we lost the content! Help!
27 Feb
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