vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

Keridwen Tweets (Eng): 2011, Sept.

RT @AncientProverbs Crows everywhere are equally black. -Chinese. Even in the Kimberley, although some sound depressed.
29 Sep

RT A loose tooth will not rest until it's pulled out. ~African. A happilly walk to the dentist.
29 Sep

RT @ All paid jobs absorb & degrade the mind. -Aristotle. Is the best way of getting lost on the pathless way of #business?
29 Sep

RT "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." - T.E. #changemanagement #DancingHero #mediation
29 Sep

RT You can't catch a cub without going into the tiger's den. -Chinese. Which #DanicngHero is best for catching this tiger cub?
29 Sep

RT If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed. -Chinese. #mediation #changemanagement #DancingHero
29 Sep

RT Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? Ask Wanderer, #DancingHero
28 Sep

RT "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - R.W.E.. 'Please get lost on the pathless way'
28 Sep

RT @RanjanMalik Awareness=Revenues. Differentiators=Margins. Authenticity=Loyalty. ALL measurable. #netwroking again!
28 Sep

RT "Don't go into business to get rich. Do it to enrich people. It will come back to you." - S.Leonard. Mooi motto voor workshop #netwerken
28 Sep

Stop worrying about the world's collapse today. It's tomorrow in Australia allready: ow.ly/i/i4mO
27 Sep

The grass must bend when the wind blows across it, said Confucius. Yes, but who is the grass, who the wind? Think! Otherwise it's too easy!
26 Sep

RT It pays to know the enemy - not least because at sometime you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend. -M.Thatcher or Talmud?
26 Sep

RT The grass must bend when the wind blows across it. -Confucius. Yes, but who is the grass, who the wind? Think! Otherwise it's too easy!
25 Sep

RT "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - RF. Kennedy. Nowadays who has the guts? Which #DancingHero to ask?
25 Sep

RT "As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death." - Leonardo da Vinci Ask Sage, #DancingHero
22 Sep

RT @Veranderforum 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' (Mohandas Gandhi) Ask Magician, #DancingHero
22 Sep

Real learning begins the moment teachers & students stop being teachers & students.
22 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. -Aristotle #keridwen. Ask Sage, #DancingHero
21 Sep

It is better to be poor when one is young, rather than becoming poor at old age. ~Kenyan Proverb
21 Sep

RT @greatestquotes: "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi #keridwen Ask Magician, #DancingHero
21 Sep

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
21 Sep

#thedanceofthehero Every Hero his/her own image/attribute - to empower each leadmotif. Give y'r Hero a hand; www.thedanceofthehero.com #dtv
19 Sep

RT The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is doing it. (Chinees gezegde). Demolisher, #DancingHero
19 Sep

RT "Rather than wishing for change, you first must be prepared to change." - Catherine Pulsifer. Says also 'Sage', #DancingHero
19 Sep

RT The one who has been attacked by a buffalo, is afraid when he sees a black cow. ~Kenyan. Orphan, #DancingHero: both afraid and resilient
18 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs Love is like dew that falls on both nettles & lilies. -Swedish Proverb. Right, says Lover, #DancingHero. #keridwen
17 Sep

RT @GreatestQuotes "Nurture your mind with great thoughts. - Benjamin Disraeli Open your mind, let #TheGordianEgg in. #Keridwen
17 Sep

RT @GreatestQuotes "Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll. A good for CPS
17 Sep

RT @DavidRoads What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything. -Vincent Van Gogh.
17 Sep

Wanderer, Magician and/or Warrior = Dancing Heroes: We do not like to repeat successes; we like to go on to other things. Walt Disney.
16 Sep

RT @greatestquotes: "I do not like to repeat successes; I like to go on to other things." - Walt Disney. Wanderer/Magician = Dancing Hero!
16 Sep

RT @africanproverbs: Lovers do not hide their nakedness. ~Congolese Proverb. Lover is a Dancing Hero
15 Sep

RT @ancientproverbs: Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. -Chinese Proverbs
15 Sep

RT @ancientproverbs: The tongue can paint what the eye can't see. -Chinese Proverbs The first step to storytelling #TheArrowInTheBullsEye
15 Sep

Quote Radio1: 'never waste a good crisis'
15 Sep

Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. -Chinese Proverbs
15 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs With money in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, & you sing well too. -Jewish Proverb. What Hero?
13 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. -Chinese Proverbs #mediation
13 Sep

Did some ask Ghandi how he felt about western civilization? Was his answer: 'good idea'? I like to consider this to be a paradox. #keridwen
12 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs Let him that would move the world first move himself. -Socrates #mediation. #changemanagement. #keridwen
12 Sep

RT @greatestquotes: "When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there." -...
12 Sep

RT A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. -English. Teachers, Trainers, Managers, Leaders, Politicians, etc.: Be aware of this! #keridwen
12 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs Of all the strategems, to know when to quit is the best. -Chinese. At least it's a good one: know your limitations!
10 Sep

RT "Time sets the stage; fate writes the script; but only we may choose our character." - L.T.Ryder. Our character will change the script?
9 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs It's easy to halve the potato where there's love. -Irish Proverb. Lover = a hero in #keridwen's 'The Dance of the Hero'.
7 Sep

RT. There is little success where there is little laughter. -Andrew Carnegie. Have fun & success on the #nnf: Gordian Egg. #keridwen
7 Sep

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic." - Peter Drucker
6 Sep

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. -Socrates
6 Sep

God gave burdens, also shoulders. -Yiddish proverb
5 Sep

RT @RanjanMalik Happy teachers are infectious. So are unhappy teachers. Happy teachers day, happy teachers! The Arrow in the Bull's Eye!
5 Sep

RT @ "The best way to teach people is by telling a story." - K.Blanchard. Totaly agree, says #Keridwen, storytelling consultant/trainer.
4 Sep

RT @GreatestQuotes "If you're not sure where you are going, you're liable to end up someplace else." - Robert F. (compare my last 2 tweets!)
4 Sep

RT @AncientProverbs If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed. -Chinese
4 Sep

RT "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein. Ask Sage, #DancingHero
3 Sep

A man grows most tired while standing still. -Chinese Proverbs
3 Sep

"You have brains in your head. Your feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." - Dr. Seuss
3 Sep

For #problemsolving looking at facts as mechanical? Or facts as roots or branches. Going everywhere. No pattern. Still working together. CPS
1 Sep