vrijdag 8 juni 2012

Keridwen Tweets: May 2012

29 May
Let's bring disparate even antagonistic talents together to see if they will fuse or fission or generate some other bust of creative energy.

29 May
Do random events beyond the predictions of theory shape the world? Or fold the complexity theory the spikes of randomness back into the...

28 May
RT @AncientProverbs Silence is a true friend who never betrays. -Confucius. But what will silence tell? #dedansvandeheld

28 May
21 juni. Workshop "Regisseren van Creativiteit en Innovatie" http://ow.ly/i/ELaz Bij KKNF Groningen. Info: http://ow.ly/bc3fC en...

27 May
#Contemplation: Truth is too precious to die for, isn't it? How about lies?

17 May
Keridwen tweets op Febrauary & March 2012. http://ow.ly/aYyrF and http://ow.ly/aYyyY For inspiration

17 May
Nice quote: »The sheer concentratedness of history, sleeting past soundlessly into the world, can be overwhelming« #GordianEgg

17 May
»History book: no recording events of the past, but creating history«? Makes unhistory significant, too. Accordingt to Sage, #DancingHero

17 May
Intriguing quote: »History has to be controlled; in reality there are too much things to go wrong«. Fool, #DancingHero lives in unhistory

17 May
Antropocentric phylosophy: »Does a falling tree in the forrest make a sound when there is no one to hear?« There allways is! #GordianEgg

16 May
"A ship is safe in harbour, but that's not what ships are for." - William Shedd

16 May
RT "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." - Peter Drucker Aamen!

15 May
RT @AncientProverbs When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. -Ethiopian Proverb. Come on! Let's try. Lover, #DancingHero

15 May
RT @GreatestQuotes "The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein. Never do!

11 May
RT @GreatestQuotes: "I dream of painting and then I paint my dream." - Vincent Van Gogh. What #DancingHero is talking here?

11 May
RT: A man grows most tired while standing still. -Chinese. Movement is the basics of zoological life! Wanderer, a #DancingHero

11 May
Intriguing quote I read: "the existence of God does not strike me a a hypothesis that one has any right to reject a priori". Don't you?

10 May
TribeGreedyGivers: Leadership = bottleneck innovation. Shake the bottle and the 'cork' will explode outwards ... celebrate with Champagne!!

10 May
TribeGreedyGivers: Leadership can often become a bottleneck for innovation. Bottlenecks are often found on top of bottles. What to do?

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